St. Chad’s Broomfield is a cricket club located in Headingley, Leeds.

This was a collaborative live-project. Fellow design students and myself were tasked with activating the space of the St. Chad’s new club-pavilion. We worked in collaboration with tutors and the pavilion’s architect to design parts of the building’s interior and façade. I helped develop a visual language comprised of cricket-inspired geometric forms. The group devised a system of CNC routed ply-modules that could tell an abstracted ‘cricket story’. I played a managerial role; leading client-presentations, handling the logistics of translating 2D graphics into a 3D space, and using 3D software to visualise and mock-up the group’s designs.

In collaboration with Jo Hamill, Ashleigh Armitage, Beau Taylor, Katie Angell, Emily Issac, Reece Heron, Maria Ximenes, Eleni Pittordou.